Sunday, February 3, 2008

Stayin in the Ring

Please keep praying.

I am in the middle of a fierce battle. The enemy wants me to think I am losing... he wants me to give up and run the other way, because I have been a quiter in the past.

I am not quiting. I am reading your emails and I know that you are still praying. I feel it.

Last night I put my words on paper for my dad because I just couldn't get them out in conversation, it wasn't working.

Tonight I felt some of the fiery arrows. Satan hit me in some old places that really stung. I didn't react like I used to. I am still a warrior princess in training, but I know a little bit about what to expect. His attempts are pathetic.

I stood firm on the truth that OUR FATHER loves me. He wants me, He pursues me. Nothing will ever change that. I wrapped myself in that loving truth and I rebuked Satan in the powerful name of Jesus, and after a while Satan fled. When he did I felt an immense peace.

My friend Nick, my biggest fan, reminded me that my battle strategy is complete surrender to God. The real battle is happening inside of me. My flesh is trying to do one thing and my spirit another. I want my spirit to win. Tonight I felt surrender. I am reminded that I all have to do is to stay in the ring. I feel beat up, I feel like I am losing, but my feelings lie. God has already claimed victory, I just have to stand firm and wait to claim it in His name.

The battle is fierce, I am not going to lie. This is like nothing I have experienced before... I am excited. I know that what lies on the other side of this is spectacular! I am expecting a miracle.

I need you to keep praying. Keep emailing me... I am reading your words over and over and over.

Our God is so good and mighty.

I am keeping these close: Psalm 24:8, Psalm 144:1 and Psalm 18.

I am inviting my dad to church tomorrow. PRAY - PRAY - PRAY!!

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