Saturday, January 26, 2008


Today I am a little homesick. I am not sure which home I am sick for... they are obviously so different. The snowy one with all the family I will be flying to on Tuesday; the hot, dusty, small one that still seems so far away or the one in California that is really just a memory, something that barely resembles the home that I come to when I return.

I am not homesick in a "I'm going to pout and be sad" kind of a way. Just in a heart-aching, "something is not right" kind of way. I long for the routine I have in Zim. Waking up to giggles outside my window of the girls hoping that they have been loud enough to wake me up but quiet enough for their mom not to hear them and yell for them to come home. Breakfast Bible study and even sweeping my too dusty floors. You might not believe me, but I even miss Sadza.

The sun is finally shining in California again, but I want to go home.

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