Friday, October 24, 2008


19 October, 2008
Dr. Liz, an American that has been living in Harare for 3 months was leaving, so Ash and I took her to Antelope Park for her last weekend. We were able to spend 2 days there enjoying the being in Africa! I hitch hiked from Bulawayo and met them in Gweru and it was such a treat.

We decided to do a lunar horseback ride, which Jesika would have loved! She is going to die as she reads this...

We were riding horses in the moonlight and although our guide Rod insisted that we stay on the trail, my horse, Casio, seemed to have my same wild abandon and we decided that it would be better to ride through the tall grasses. It was beautiful (Liz got attacked by a thorn tree, but other than that we were safe.) At one point we even got to join a heard of Zebra and wander around with them.

In the morning we went swimming with elephants and then hit the road to get back to Harare, where we will be doing a dental clinic at Voice of Peace and I will be meeting with immigration.

I love Zimbabwe.

1 comment:

jesika said...

I could actually feel myself turning green with envy. ;)

Regina, what amazing adventures God gives you!!!