Sunday, October 12, 2014

Team Chari: Our poor baby--crazy counting and Nyasha’s cravings!

We are currently around 24 weeks pregnant.   

You would think that at this point I would learn what that means… or at least be able to keep track.  But I just don’t get it.  Every pregnancy website I stumble upon or every pregnant woman I converse with seems to have this insane ability to count in a new way.  22+4, 17+3 these are the mystical numbers that seem to tell other people who understand, how many weeks and days into these 40 weeks of pregnancy you are.  Well my brain just doesn’t wrap around this system.  So, I am somewhere between 22-24 weeks pregnant and honestly that’s the best I can do!

There are things that I was not prepared for about this pregnancy.  Counting weeks and days is one of them, but there are more.  Things like people touching my belly shocked me! This happened the first time when I was about 8 weeks pregnant.  A few people knew I was pregnant because of my immense sickness and my inability to fulfill obligations however I was not even close to showing and yet someone touched my belly and it caught me totally off guard.  

There are sounds and smells coming from my body that I couldn’t even imagine.  I am overheated and exhausted.  I have a lot of friends who have been pregnant and all I can say is, “Thanks for keeping such things a secret ladies.”

One thing I felt totally prepared for was the crazy pregnancy food cravings.  But I haven’t really had many.  For a few months I have been eating a ton of strawberries and lots of beans and rape (which could explain the sounds and smells coming from my body) but other than that I’ve been pretty much turned off by food in general.  Until last week (which may or may not have been the 23rd week, haha) when I had a couple of days in which I really wanted to eat ice cream—probably because I was sweating like a pig. 

But what I didn’t realize would happen is that my husband would start craving things.  A few weeks ago we were sitting together chatting and out of nowhere he says, “I would REALLY like some chocolate!”   I looked at him like a weirdo. 

Then a few days later I woke up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night (as usual) and he wasn’t there.  I went downstairs and startled him.  He acted like he was caught in some treacherous act… when in fact he was standing in his underwear eating ice cream from the container!  I was laughing so hard it was a miracle that I didn’t wee my pants!  A few days ago I woke up to go to the bathroom at around 2 am (are you catching on to my routine) and he again wasn’t in bed.  Once again I found him in the kitchen eating ice cream.  
I would prefer a pic of Nyasha eating ice cream in the middle of the night... but you know how he freaks about me over sharing....and a pic of him in his underwear might get me in trouble :-)

I am not sure why this is so funny to me, but it is.  So welcome to a glimpse at my real life.  I am a pregnant woman who can’t figure out how far along she is with a husband who sneaks ice cream in the middle of the night!  This child has no idea what he or she is getting in to! 

With Love From Zimbabwe,


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