Friday, October 31, 2014

Team Chari: Baby Name Drama

My husband and I, we are so very different.  We are actually total opposites in every way.  We have two things in common:
1. We love Jesus
2. We love each other

We make a good team.  Most days that is enough for a strong foundation in our relationship. Most days.  Today is not one of those days.

Today we are talking baby names.  We found out we were expecting this little one in early June.  Since then we have many conversations about names... They usually go like this:

Me: "Here are 399 names that I am totally happy with.... Please choose some that you like.  Even one would be great."

Hours later

Him: "well I looked at the names and I don't like any of them.  Here are a zillions reasons why each of those names are not the name for our baby."


So I gave up on the name thing and decided that eventually,before the poor child turns 18, we will bestow a name upon him or her.

Then last week this man of mine said out of nowhere, "Let's each choose our five favorite girls names and our five favorite boys names and we will go over them together on Saturday."

Ahhhhhhh maybe this little one will have a name after all!

Until then I will be searching for 10 wonderfully meaningful names that I would like to name my little one.... Hopefully one of which will match Nyasha's list or at least not be vetoed by him!

Pray for us.  This could be interesting!

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