Tuesday, July 9, 2013

World War Win- The Power of Vulneralbility

A few weeks ago in church a very brave husband and wife stood up and shared their deepest hurts.  He had battled an addiction to pornography.  He had been unfaithful.  She had been blindsided and devastated.  They were brave, they walked through a time of healing.  It took years, but they stood there side by side, hearts strongly connected in a way that can only happen when you have been in the deepest, darkest pit and found your way out together.   

Their story, shared with us in church has brought forth an amazing response.  Others standing up and saying "Me too! I need help."  

I love what happens when we share our experience, strength and hope.  It is scary, it is like standing naked in harsh light--and yet it brings freedom- to the one sharing and to the one sitting there who can relate.

I shared this on facebook a while ago:

The two most powerful words when you are in the midst of a struggle are, "me too."

Never underestimate the power of vulnerability. It is not weakness, it is brave, it is strong. When we share our struggle we give other people hope. We lose shame that is attached to secrecy, judgement and silence. We are neurologically wired to be connected and when we share those two words, "me too" a connection is made that allows for healing, comfort and the space to be unashamed!

We each have a story and there is power in sharing it! Someone out there might be waiting for you today, so that they can finally utter those words, "me too."

Tomorrow this brave couple begins a journey, like nothing they could have expected.  They will celebrate their anniversary (14 years of marriage I believe) in a room full of over 100 people who are battling issues ranging from lust to pornography addiction to adultery.  They will share their hearts over the next 4 weeks in the hope that others may find the same freedom that they have.

Will you join me in praying for this amazing couple and every person who is brave enough to walk through the door tomorrow?

God loves to take our deepest wounds and heal them and then give us the opportunity to help others heal as well, and I absolutely LOVE watching redemption in action.

If you are in Harare and you need help in one of these areas, please join us at River of Life Eastlea tomorrow (Wednesday) evening! 

This song is such an encouragement to me, I hope you will enjoy it!

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