Thursday, July 17, 2008

I was in a morning prayer meeting for the health domain, which I attend to pray for the future of health care in Zimbabwe, which I feel is pivotal for a bright future for the kids that we work with and I heard Dr. Wazara, a man I have grown a great respect for speaking of an urgent situation.

He told us that a foreign embassy had funded a program and come to him for help directing it. They wanted to perform surgeries on babies with hernias, a condition that can be fatal or cause infertility. They were to perform 300 surgeries and help families from all over Zimbabwe.

So far Dr. Wazara has received 70% of the funding and supplies. They are to begin the surgeries today and the families have traveled from all over the country to get to Harare for the surgeries. This travel is very expensive for families whose salaries rarely cover living expenses.

The embassy called yesterday to say that they are pulling out at the moment because of the political situation here. The hospital is in an uproar because all of the people are here waiting. The hospital staff is on strike…everyone expect the surgeons (who are providing their services free of charge) and the nurses. They want to move forward, however there is a lack of funding.

Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? (James 2:5) I believe that some of these children that will be helped through these surgeries will go on to impact Zimbabwe and the world in a very big way. There is opposition, but God will make a way. I think he will use us, from so far away to help these kids become who he intends them to be.

What they need is the money to pay the nurses a stipend, money to feed the people working and the children in the hospital and money for stitches. The nurses were promised a stipend of $10 us per day. That will be $3,000 us for the entire program and $1,000 for food and $1,000 for the rest of the medical supplies.

I am calling for action.

We need your help. I know that some of you will want to sponsor a major part of this project, but even if you would like to sponsor one nurse for one day, it will make a difference!! I believe we can raise this money in a day. Ask your friends; ask your family ask your doctors. $5,000 is all that is needed to correct hernias of 300 babies. We need you money and we need you prayers.

I believe that we will move and the people of Zim will see that their hope is not in foreign embassy’s but in the Kingdom of God. That He can and will move on behalf of his people regardless of political climates!

If you would like to help financially, please email me at and I will get you details on how to donate, or go to and click donate now. Type in Refuge: Medical Aid in the box! Please email me either way so that I can pass the info on to Dr. Wazara immediately!

Thank you!!
Regina Jones

No longer should where you live determine whether you live. ~Bono

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