Tuesday, January 6, 2015

2015: A year filled with Wonder.

A New Year.
365 perfectly unblemished days to looks forward to with hope and anticipation.

For me and for my family, this year--2015 is already filled with some life changing days that are circled on the calendar.  Some of them we are able to talk about--like February 2, the day little baby Chari is due!

Other days we are still tucking away in our hearts awaiting the time to discuss them with you all... but we will ask you to pray for these days that will impact our family.

Some years I choose a word to focus on while I pray and meditate.  This word always seems to speak to me in the most special ways.  A few years ago it was beloved, another year it was lovingkindness.  This year I decided that I wanted a word.  I prayed and hoped that by the first I would hear a word that stood out to me for this year.... but nothing came.  I was disappointed but figured oh well, eventually something will pop up.  I mean we are at 36 weeks in this pregnancy and we still don't have even a short list of agreed upon baby names... so what did I expect!! It finally came--the word, not the name.


Hmmmm, I was intrigued by this word.  I often find myself wondering about things.  I am curious by nature and ask a lot of questions as I process through doubt and land in a place of belief.  But as I thought about this word: wonder, I realized that this wasn't really what was speaking to my heart.  It was more like: Wonder-- to have a feeling of awe, astonishment, surprise or admiration. 


I want to be filled with wonder in 2015.  I want to be in awe of the things taking place around me. I want to relish that feeling of astonishment when I see miracles take place and I want to be surprised by the amazing things that happen in the most ordinary moments of life that I often take for granted.  Most importantly I want to live this year in admiration of the One who loves me most and gives me this life that indeed is filled with things to be in wonder about. 

Today, January 5 I looked around at so much that fills me with wonder:

1. God has blessed me with a life that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.  For most of my life that wasn't true- I constantly wanted something else.
2.  This giant belly is a constant reminder of the way God redeems even the most broken parts of our lives.
3.  I love my husband with a love I didn't know I was capable of.  Our romance is a story filled with a wide range of emotions and stories-- some of which we have shared often and others that haven't been told outside of a very small circle of trusted confidants.  I am certain that I am grateful for all the moments... highs and lows and most especially for the place we are at right now.
4.  Our little girl, the one that captured my heart and knitted it to Zimbabwe is loved so deeply by so many.  So much so that I --with all my control freak tendencies- was confident enough to leave her with our family while I flew 10,000 miles away during the biggest transition our family has experienced to day.
5.  I have no idea how the physical needs of our family will be met this year and rather than give me anxiety it excites me. What the heck?!?!

So there it is, the beginning of my year of living in wonder of the life I have been given and the One who graciously has given it.

Here's to a year filled with wonder!



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