Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Each year a group of volunteers from ROCK of Africa head to Nashville for the National Religious Broadcasters convention.  This is always an important time to spend with other Christians, learning about how God is moving in the world and being encouraged! It is also a time of long days, longer nights and not very much sleep.

One of the highlights of the convention each year is Kay Arthur.  She is often found speaking at either Women in Christian Media, or NRB...this year she did both--BIGGER BLESSING!

I met so many amazing people this year and heard so many great things, however I was most blessed by a talk at Women in Christian Media in which Kay Arthur, Vonnette Bright and Thelma Wells shared insight into their ministry--and gave lots of advice on marriage!  What priceless wisdom to be able to behold from these godly women!

I have also decided, with the encouragement of several people that I met at NRB, and so many others over the years, to begin writing a book.  I had been collecting stories from my experience in Zimbabwe, but when my laptop and all of my data was stolen, I was discouraged and kind of gave up.  I have a renewed sense of purpose after this convention and made a commitment to a woman I am respect very much, to write a chapter a month.  So here we go... someday ROCK of Africa volunteers might see my book on display at NRB!  If my story can be an inspiration be an inspiration to someone--or more importantly to bring glory to God, then how can I not tell it?

They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Revelation 12:11

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